Do not apologize for living.
Uncluttered simplicity in color and line.
Hands, face and hair, childlike but bold without detail.
Eyes set unevenly on the face, a capturing of the soul and truth about people.
These reflect troubled minds, unusual sensitivity and intelligence in the face.
Making connections of attitude while distorting perception.
Acute senses prevail here like a nervous breakdown.
There are peculiar mixings of emotions, need, and resultant intention or reluctance.
Facing forward, unflattering paintings represent my opinions only, distant, preoccupied and unattractive, while capturing complexity of rendering.
Unorthodox clothing, divergence between more than one woman in style, and certainly in perspective.
I have been in a bad mood for about 25 years and have experienced the most productive period in my short career, furiously painting as a substitute for talking, telling people what I think in my contrary opinion.
My pictures distort the processes of art with a presence that comes off as a warning.
I wish to invigorate the way the figure is painted while being aware of the dissolution and disintegration of our overwhelmed art world.
I am unable to control myself as my secrets appear in paint.
My mind is a series of memory paintings.
Uncontrollable choices, furious with confusion in a time of coping with the world around me.
Clouds of uncertainty, a connection with life, unresolved tensions and contradictions of life.
It is who I am, who you were, and there is nothing I can do about it.